Join Us
(We welcome new members, both men and women)
Intending new members (Newbie’s) need to be reasonably fit, healthy and have the ability to swim 30 metres fully clothed with a life jacket on. They are offered a 3 week introductory training program in March each year, to learn the safety and technical paddling skills required to advance to weekly Club paddles. A practical Safety Day is conducted on the 3rd week of the introductory program at Hillary’s Boat Harbour.
This Safety Day training, where Newbie's practice self and assisted rescue techniques to recover from a capsize, is a pre-requisite to full club membership.
The training days this year are Thursdays March 6th, 13th of 2025. Safety day is March 20th, 2025.
A loan kayak can be arranged for the initial three week training program.
This gives Newbie's an opportunity to check their suitability and interest in kayaking before committing to a full membership.
After the training period, members must obtain their own kayak, paddle, life jacket (PFD, personal flotation device), whistle, bow rope, spray deck and helmet for white water (if needed). Kayaks of the Carolina/Tsunami or similar styles are suitable. Longer sea kayaks are also suitable for most flat water river paddles. It is recommended that new members to not purchase their own kayak until they have consulted with experienced members.
When the winter rains come and the rivers are flowing, we also paddle the rapids on the Murray river at Dwellingup. Paddlers must show good moving water skills before paddling these rapids.
To prepare new paddlers for white-water paddling, a program of moving water paddling training is conducted using the moving water of the Swan river from lower Bells rapids to Amiens Cresent, and the Upper Canning river from Wilkinson Homestead down to Masons Landing. This presents an opportunity to new members, if they choose so, and are keen to "Have A Go" at moving water paddling to gain this type of experience before taking the next step to white-water paddling. This planned training is done with coaching by senior club members and with safety in mind.
Seasoned and experienced kayakers are also encouraged to join the club any time without the need for a full three week introductory training program.
Paid up new members will be issued a user ID and password to access the club website "Members Only" library, where safety documents, paddling manual, and a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws are available. Club AGM and Committee meeting minutes are also available.
For more information on joining contact:
1. President: Iris Mickiewicz: 0438 926 578 or
2. Secretary: Fin Finlayson: 0406 862 558 or
Nomination Fee is $30 (one off cost)
Membership Costs $60 per year.